Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Tragically sad end to the year!

The saying goes, "God doesn't give you more than you can bear".  I know he knows what is best, yet in the last 8 weeks I have had 3 deaths of people very close to me.  the most recent, today, is that of a 19 year old that felt he had no other options but to leave this world. :-{ :-{ :-{.  My heart is breaking for the fact that he felt so alone he wanted to leave, and for his mom, who I know loved him unconditionally, and for all his friends and acquaintances that will miss his polite smile and kind words. I really have enjoyed my year through all lifes' hiccups, and happy times, yet, now, I want it to end and go fast, because it is so covered with such sadness.  There is always such emptyiness when someone leaves this world.  I always think I might run into the person around each corner, or on the phone.  I am not able to take one more death right now.  Death is part of life, though, at this moment, all I can see is death and dark and sooooo much sadness that I want it gone. Be safe, enjoy your family to the fullest. Remember, "All the gold in the world cannot buy back either the little delights of the day or the big pleasures that happen without announcement or a plan.  You simply have to be there."  ~ Lance Wubbels ~ 

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