Saturday, August 13, 2011

Summer Days

Hi everyone, It has been a few months since I wrote my blog.  Have had some surprises, as often happens in life.  Still working toward my Health Administration degree.  I have been down to visit my son, once with my daught for five days, then by myself for eight days.  It is wonderful to go and stay with them.  I love seeing them so happy and working on their lives together.  My son just got his second car ever, a suburu, which he has wanted forever.  He doesn't let anyone sit in the driver's seat.  He really appreciates the car. It isn't brand new, still, it is new to him! :-) 
I am preparing for surgery this coming week, and all is ok, except for this cold I came home with, after going for pretesting for the surgery.  May have to postpone.  I will leave you all with a quote;
"People often say that motivation doesn't last.  Well neither does bathing---that's why we recommend it daily."  Zig Ziglar